
0 Reviews
Format: Novel
A gripping and insightful slice of a tragic and prosperous life

Adopted by his family as a small boy, burdened with, what many would consider gifts, Graham is a young man who refuses to accept the casual, racial and social categorisation and discrimination of which he and many others have suffered. Struggling to find a place in the world, Graham has made and lost friends and enemies while beating a troublesome path through childhood, school and young adulthood. Having lied his way to success and fought his way back from the brink of death, Graham is forced to pay a heavy price. Finding himself before a judgmental and unforgiving audience, Graham decides to reveal the truth and take his place as an alien on his home planet. But Graham is not what you think he is. This is his story…

Details: ( Updated July 4, 2023 )
Title Status: Coming Soon
First Published:
Chapters: 0
Episodes: 0


James Hill Sharpe
James Hill Sharpe
United Kingdom
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