Available soon

Heroes of High Water Head to Head

Number of Players: 2-4
For Ages: 10+
Language: English
Material/s: Cardstock
Number of pieces: 60


All Players receive an exclusive discount!

The Master crop
P.H. Hardy
Writer, Illustrator
United Kingdom

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Official Title:

As a new generation of brave warriors compete to become the next Herald of High Water, the armies of the new world draw near. Betrayed by his peers and doubted by his elders, a young disciple must disobey their sacred law in search of a legend. Having abandoned the village of High Water many many generations ago, the Mythical disciples of the one true god must reunite to protect the secret of their long forgotten home.

Collect a handful of heroes and power ups to defeat your opponent to become the true hero of High Water and prevent your secrets from falling into the hands of your enemies.

All Players receive an exclusive discount!

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Heroes of High Water Head to Head

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