Available soon

City of Ghosts Escape

A Battle Quest Board Game

Number of Players: 2-4
For Ages: 12+
Language: English
Material/s: Cardstock
Number of pieces: 87


All Players receive an exclusive discount!

The Master crop
P.H. Hardy
Writer, Illustrator
United Kingdom

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Human Cards: 4
Hybrid Cards: 4
I.S.P.C Cards: 9
Spectre Cards: 12
Zealot Cards: 5
Transport Cards: 6
Protection Cards: 15
Weapon Cards: 15
Technology Cards: 10
Other Cards: 2
Game Board: 1
Game Pieces: 4

Official Title:

Where the living haunt the dead!

In 2099 our world is overcome by ghosts. Residing among the living, their numbers ever growing, aside from their debauchery, many of them choose to live in peace. Others have chosen a life of crime, hedonism and aggressive extremism. Hunted by a publicly funded private organisation, any ghost deemed dangerous is immediately destroyed. This aggressive defence has led to the formation of an underground resistance, and a rise in political disdain. Now, the tide of the undead is forcing its way through our doors. And none, among the living, are safe!

Choose an alliance of the living, the dead, or a combination of both and prevent the eradication of your people. Race to the city centre to retrieve the data file containing the key to the spectral portal. To win the game you must successfully navigate your way out of the city with the secret Data File via the gates, moving through the barriers, while avoiding being destroyed by your opponents. Travel through one of the gates in the outer ring and escape the City of Ghosts.

All Players receive an exclusive discount!

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City of Ghosts Escape

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