Sohng: Silent Sacrifice

Genre/s: Fantasy
Format: Novella
Sohng Book 2
Sohng: Silent Sacrifice

After leaving the Fallen behind, Sohng and Cohe roam the lands of Greater Arn, as enigmatic travellers. Unaware of what he searches for, Sohng follows the voice that guides him. But the closer he comes to his end, the more difficult it becomes, as he fights to stay alive under the watchful, helpless eye of his companion.

Forced to reveal their strengths and accept that which they cannot overcome, Sohng, Cohe and their new friends find themselves at the mercy of not only those who stand in their way, but the ghosts of the past which they refuse to let go. Will Sohng ever set his eyes upon the new kingdom, and what will become of those who must be sacrificed for his journey to continue? The future draws near, but only one may pass through the gates.

Details: ( Updated July 4, 2023 )
Title Status: Complete
First Published:
Chapters: 0
Episodes: 0


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