City of Ghosts


Format: Novel
They're back! And they're dying to meet you!
City of Ghosts

The world is becoming overrun with ghosts, some peaceful, some far from it. The dead continue to rise in their horrific and varying forms, while rugged and relentless task forces work all hours to protect the living. As the wicked wreak havoc in an attempt to find a place in the world in which they once lived, far more sinister powers converge, intent on making the whole world theirs. Suffering his gifts, and embracing his pain, Laird is determined to join his local task force. But, as more and more people die, and more ghosts rise from the ground, Laird finds himself at odds with his faith, questioning the loyalty of those he holds most dear. Searching for the truth, they discover a hidden secret, the key to human survival, truly sealing their fate. With the city held to ransom, Laird must find the strength to believe in the very things that he fears most. But, with an impossible choice his only way forward, can Laird prevent the inevitable, or will he fall prey to... The City of Ghosts.

Details: ( Updated January 22, 2024 )
Title Status: Ongoing
First Published: March 10, 2023
Chapters: 0
Episodes: 3


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