The Hiding Place

0 Reviews
Genre/s: Mystery, Thriller
Format: Novel
Cold blooded underhanded deceitful betrayal is all he could hope for
The Hiding Place

When local sheriff Shawn Martin’s son goes missing, the entire town embarks on a search and rescue mission. After many weeks  of searching, Shawn has all but given up when new evidence leads him to believe that Oliver is alive and well. With many new faces in town, and an unsolved murder case weighing on his shoulders, Shawn begins to lose patience. Convinced his son is alive and nearby, Shawn does everything within his power to find him. Unbeknown to Shawn, it’s not only time that’s been working against him.

Details: ( Updated July 4, 2023 )
Title Status: Coming Soon
First Published:
Chapters: 0
Episodes: 0


Greg Porter
Greg Porter
United Kingdom
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