The Dream Master

0 Reviews
Format: Novel
A fantastical psychological adventure into the unimaginable and horrific!
The Dream Master

Tom is a young boy with a critical illness. While his family fight for his survival, Tom reaches the limit of his resolve. But when Tom begins to lucid dream, he discovers a new world he can escape to. While his doctor and his family, fight to keep him with them, Tom delves deeper and deeper into his dreams which quickly become terrifying nightmares. With his life on the line, and his family holding out for a miracle, Tom’s only hope is to find the one person who can rescue him from the evil he has created. Will Tom escape his nightmare, can he reach the Dream Master, and what will become of those he has left behind?

Details: ( Updated June 28, 2024 )
Title Status: In Progress
First Published:
Chapters: 0
Episodes: 0


The Master crop
P.H. Hardy
Writer, Illustrator
United Kingdom
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