Mortal Justice

0 Reviews
Format: Novel
Solving crimes one calamity at a time
Mortal Justice

When Billy, a young police officer suffers the greatest loss of his life, he is demoted to the fringes of the force. But when a mysterious woman falls into his arms, Billy is given a brand new opportunity to realise his dream of becoming an elite detective.

Surprised at how quickly she joins the force, Billy is forced to team up with his ever thankful new friend, Crystal. Dragged into fights with hardened criminals, in a world of highly classified technology, Billy and Crystal untangle a web of criminal connections on their way to solving the countries biggest criminal case. But as their adversaries become stronger and far more sophisticated, will Billy and Crystal be able to put them behind bars, or will they fall prey to the system. And what will it cost for these brave officers to achieve their goal?

Details: ( Updated June 28, 2024 )
Title Status: In Progress
First Published:
Chapters: 0
Episodes: 0


The Master crop
P.H. Hardy
Writer, Illustrator
United Kingdom
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