Lost Bodies

0 Reviews
Format: Novel
An incredibly dark, witty, thrilling who done it
Lost Bodies

When Chris takes time off work to visit his father, he quickly learns he has little to return home to. Harold, his father, is a retired Naval officer who spends most of his time fishing. When the pair discover the body of a murder victim, they are thrown into a police investigation. Unable to trust those who are paid to protect them, Chris and Harold find themselves indebted to the most unlikely of allies. Desperately seeking the evidence to solve the case and convict the criminals aggressively pursuing them, Chris and his father discover a harrowing truth which forces them to face the bloody ghosts of their hidden past.

Details: ( Updated June 28, 2024 )
Title Status: In Progress
First Published:
Chapters: 0
Episodes: 0


Greg Porter
Greg Porter
United Kingdom
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