Vassa: Bleeding Dark (Sample)

The candle of a single torchlight flickers above the face of a snarling woverak carved into the decorative boss of a wooden shield. The shield hangs on the wall of a small room, its walls decorated by tapestries, ornaments and dried animal remains. At the centre of the room, smoke rises from a wide metal bowl, as Wuvar and Zhahim sit either side of it, inhaling the smoke as they breathe deeply. 

Wuvar opens his eyes before a young boy bursts through the curtain. 

“Master,” says the boy, catching his breath. “Vassa has returned, but with scavers.”

“What!” says Wuvar, leaping to his feet.

Zhahim remains unmoved as Wuvar rushes out of the hut and follows the boy along the walkway towards the gates. Just inside the gates, Vassa stands in wait.

“So you return, with guests,” says Wuvar. “Vassa? Where is Buren?”

“She is outside, with the scavers.”

“Is she harmed? Are you alright” asks Wuvar, placing his hands on Vassa’s shoulders.

“We are unharmed.”

“Why are they here?” asks Wuvar.

“Their leader seeks an audience with you. They say they will not enter uninvited.”

“And why should I listen to anything that fetid hog has to say?”

“Because he has promised to kill Buren if you do not hear him speak.”

Wuvar’s nose wrinkles and twitches beneath his disgusted brow. “Then I will hear him,” he says stepping past Vassa.

“No,” says Vassa, “You must all hear him speak.”

Wuvar stops, “I cannot invite scavers into our home!”

“Only he wishes to enter, the rest of them will wait outside.”

Buren lifts her head as the huge wooden gates swing slowly open. Murwo smiles as he sets eyes on Wuvar’s seething face.

“Some things never change,” says Murwo before he strides confidently towards the gates. Murwo stops and turns to Buren. “Come child, we have much to discuss.”

The huido gather around the recess at the back of the belly of the cavern. Wuvar stands before Murwo and Buren at the edge of the walkway around the chasm. Wuvar raises his arms into the air and the huido gradually fall silent.

“My brothers, sisters, elders. Our first meeting in this place ended our hunger and brought happiness to our family. I fear that this time we should not expect such promise.”

The huido turn to each other beneath a soft mumble of concern.

“I regret that I must introduce you to a man who wishes to be heard. This man leads the scavers, a group of huido you all know too well.”

As Wuvar turns and steps aside, the huido mumbles grow louder and more intense. But once again they fall silent, as Murwo steps forward. He throws open his gown and grasps his hands behind his back.

Murwo turns to Wuvar, “How do I address your, people?” asks Murwo quietly.

“We own no titles,” says Wuvar. “We are one.”

Murwo smiles, “Huido, I am Murwo. I am the Master of the Northern Scaver of Eastern Arn. Many of you have concluded that my men and I are nothing more than merciless killers. But many of you are mistaken. Like you, we cannot walk our own roads, or harvest our own crops without fear of being slaughtered by Mardern. While we have killed few, Mardern have murdered countless. While we have defeated those who threaten to stand against us, against all huido, and all freedom seekers in Arca. The Mardern destroy all those who would join us, those who would fight them, and help us take back what is rightfully ours.”

Buren looks at Wuvar, who’s stern expression suggests he remains unimpressed by Murwo’s words.

“Huido who choose to hide and accept Mardern law, do so at the cost of Arcan lives. The scavers grow stronger only to protect our people, to fight for the freedom we so desperately deserve.”

The huido look around at each other, swayed slightly by Murwo’s powerful address.

“I stand here before you, excited and afraid. Excited upon learning there is a way we can become more powerful than the Mardern. Afraid, because the Mardern stand to gain such power if we do not act now!”

Wuvar takes a deep breath. Buren looks over at Vassa and at the same time, Vassa’s searching eyes look back.

“I am not here for understanding, I am not here to win you over. I seek only those who would stand with us and fight. Those who refuse to stand by and wait for the day they are forced to witness their loved ones burn before them. I lay down my life and will gladly give it, in exchange for the chance to win this war. I ask you, will you stand and fight for what is rightfully yours. Will you join us, and fight to reclaim the boshio etto!”

Wuvar turns to Buren in despair as the huido erupt into rapturous cheers and roars. Fists are thrust into the air and feet pound against the ground. 

Murwo turns to face Wuvar. “Son, join us, lead your people.”

“We are one,” says Wuvar, “But I will never stand with you!”

Murwo smiles and turns back to the crowd. “Huido.” The crowd fall silent once again. “This day, we take the Mardern by surprise, and leave no Mardern alive. With me.”

Wuvar reaches out and grabs hold of Murwo’s sleeve as he turns. 

“You lead my people into a battle they cannot win,” snarls Wuvar, spitting through his words.

“Then stop them,” says Murwo, leaning towards his son, a wry smile either side of his turned down mouth. Wuvar lets go and Murwo glances at his hand. “I assumed as much.”

Murwo strolls down the walkway towards the gates, with a huge crowd of huido behind him.

“You could have stopped them,” says Buren stepping in front of Wuvar.

“I lead,” says Wuvar, “I do not command, you brought them here, this is your doing!”

“You could have at least argued against him!” whispers Buren loudly.

“Against what? The truth? Our people are not fools, they see an opportunity, and behind them, years of hunger, of isolation. They do not wish to grow old, they want their children to survive!”

“Then come with us,” says Buren.

“For what, to watch them be slaughtered?”

“Help me protect them brother.”

“You can’t even protect yourself,” says Wuvar, turning his back on Buren and striding across the walkway.

“What will we do?” asks Vassa.

“I must protect my people,” says Buren. “Go home Vassa, go home.”

Vassa’s head falls slowly towards her chest, her mouth hangs open, without words or breath. How had this happened so quickly. The huido and the scavers march into a war with unexpecting Mardern. This is every inch the scenario Kohln would avoid, perhaps even Togee would think twice, although he would relish the opportunity to fight. But surely, they must have a chance, even against the Mardern. This many huido have never fought together, have they?

Vassa quickly catches up with Buren. “I’m coming with you.”

Buren looks Vassa in the eyes and smiles. “Are you sure?”

“We are one, are we not?”

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